Monday, March 11, 2013

Course Reflection:

The class purpose is to give students the tools to learn as much as they want about databases, sensors and intelligent/green buildings. The basic of this class is focus on student doing research for these main topics, learning and discussing the different aspects of each.
At the start of the class I believe the topic I knew most about was green and intelligent buildings, because it has become very popular in the past years.
To myself I believe I got most from the sensors, robotics and database topics because I wasn’t aware about the variety and influence they have or will have in our life and profession.
Dr. Il-Yeol Song was the guest speaker I learn the most from. His presentation was enjoyable and easy to follow with tons of new information that I had little to no knowledge about. I feel all guest speakers should do their presentations on a classroom. Being in the computer lab makes people loose focus easily from having a computer in front of them.
I would recommend Prof. Mitchell in the future to make requirements for the database project clearer. I personally feel that on my final database project I got points out for not doing forms, but when I check the assignment details I believe forms where not required. I might have missed this due to the different places where information is put at. For future, maybe only have one page people can refer to.
For the homework deadlines I feel there were weeks in which there was only a blog due and then next week there was database, blog and draft. I would personally prefer that the amount of work is spread out evenly among the weeks. 
Overall, I feel the class is structure in a way that it’s up to students decision how much work and time they want to put into it. The requirements (homework’s, projects, blogs) are definitely enough to keep people interacting and continuously researching on the different topics. I would definitely recommend this class as a professional elective. 

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