Saturday, January 12, 2013

Computer Hardware

I think the definition of future is relative to what you are talking about. Such as if a new operating system is going to be released in the future you are probably going to be talking about three years, or if you are talking about prosthetic arms being controlled by a human's brain you could be talking about a decade, or if you talking about intergalactic space travel then you are probably talking about hundreds of years.
As for my topic of computer hardware technology future pretty much means every year since hardware companies are finding ways of making their products more powerful.
According to CNET which covered the CES 2013 computer hardware is "rarely the top category". If this is the case I would find it hard to believe that hardware has any significant impact on the building industry. It would seem that companies such as Intel are working to make their processors more powerful by the year but only to improve personal computer such as through tablets. We are pretty much taking our old technology and making it better to suit our needs as users. Intel for example is working on a technology in which can tract eye movement and motion in order to play an interactive game.  Intel is also working improving battery life and table top computers. The interactive gaming could probably have an impact on the building industry. If the motion control technology from Intel is any good you could probably see them develop a system where they could incorporate a whole room and the person can use the room as a field that is projected on the screen. Of course if Intel can master motion control then it could probably make the video of the automated construction more viable. A person from a room with motion control technology can control the robots with his hands or his eyes. After reading the posts from my group members we all pretty much came up with the same conclusion. I did like one specific thing from what Evan said in which he said that "The future of computer hardware is looking to create a more intuitive experience for the user". van I think this is definitely true. Aside from young children picking up an iphone and knowing how to use it very easily a lot of elderly people can start easily using these devices even though they never grew up having to be around them or use.

1 comment:

  1. I found the part about Intel making a system that can use the whole room as a controller very interesting. I never thought that virtual reality like in science fiction would actually become real.
