Monday, January 21, 2013

BIM Handbook Ch. 5

Chapter 5 in the BIM Handbook talks about BIM for Architects and Engineers. It explains the four main concepts of BIM related to the architect and engineers duties in a project of “Conceptual design, the integration of engineering services, construction level modeling, and design-construction integration”. There are multiple ways the concept of BIM can be incorporated by architects and engineers but the handbook tries to share efficient ways BIM has been used for different project already completed known to be successful. It all started with conceptual design being one of key steps when using BIM process during which crucial aspects of a building should be agreed upon such as orientation, appearance, structure, and basic building systems as a whole with everyone from the architect, engineers, contractors, owner, building manager, and similar important figures at the same table. The more that is agreed upon at this step and planed the more time that can be saved later into the project with less confusion throughout the project. Below is a chart presented in chapter 5 of the BIM handbook which shows the amount of time saved according to a project already completed using BIM.
Next BIM also plays a very important role when it comes to building design and analysis. For example during design a portal can be created for a project where all the files can be stored and multiple people working on the project can have excess to documents at the same time as others with constant updates being saved for others to view or use right away. Additionally with software like Microsoft Live Meeting and WebEx different members can communicate and have meetings from anywhere in the world saving tremendous time and making the flow of work really efficient. Also when it comes to analysis there are multiple programs to analysis different building systems such as ventilation, lighting, temperature control, energy usage, and so on which are mostly independent of each other. All these programs require common inputs before any analysis can be performed so except having to enter the same information into multiple programs a common file can be created with a format accepted by various different programs which can be easily imported saving time and also making sure the same inputs and factors are being assessed by different professionals for their individual expertise without any conflicts. More information on the importance of software while using BIM can be found in Rita's post where she talks about benefits of using 3D modeling programs such as Rhino, SketchUp, and more.

Then comes developing construction documents for contractors to use for construction is basically part of design and construction integration. This is where the architect and engineer can go on the project portal and easily compile construction drawings from the information which should be already there from the first two steps of BIM for contractors to use for construction of the project. Important part of this step is to make sure the drawings are detailed and well explained to speed up the construction process and increase the quality of work during construction. Overall for BIM to be efficient as explained above for any project the project managers and his crew need to have proficient skills in all the different programs which make the BIM as a whole. As Maria mentioned in her post that even thought software used in BIM are still new to most of the architects and engineers, they need to be implemented into more and more projects providing practice leading the workers in the field to proficiency which can results in firm to carry out full scale BIM processes for their projects. Not only will it save the firms time but also allow the firm's quality of work to increase as well.  

Eastman, Charles M. "Chapter 5: BIM for Architects and Engineers." BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008. 149-206. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Jalpesh, I wonder why the PM and PA hours went up with the addition of BIM. My thoughts are that hopefully the increase in the hours were due to them being able to deliver a project with far less errors and inefficiencies, enough to justify the increase in time.
