Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Term Project - Sensor Database in BMS

For my AE-510 term project I am researching how a collection of data, provided by sensors throughout a building, is compiled into a database and how this database interacts with the Building Management System (BMS) to specifically influence HVAC system control. Like Rita Pauliushchyk stated in her blog post, sensors improve the overall efficiency of building operation. By themselves, sensors provide very little information; it is not until the sensor data is compiled and processed that the information can be used to report data or perform a task. My project will explore the interaction of the sensors in a database with the BMS to operate the various components of the HVAC system efficiently in order to optimize the building and lower the operating cost and environmental impact.

In order to do this I will define the aspects of a building management system which involves a network of controllers, sensors and output devices that can control metering, air systems and water systems within the building. I will then explore the various kinds of sensors and how their data is collected and formed into a database of all the sensors within the building. This data is processed and recorded and displayed to the user through the database so the information can be used. I will look at the specific ways that data is used in order to automate the building systems. I will also look at the future of sensors and their interaction with the BMS.

Many of the students in the class are researching intelligent vs. green building. I believe that the interaction between sensors and the BMS are a link between these two as it is using the intelligence of sensors and automation in order to improve system efficiency, lowering the amount of energy used and minimizing the buildings impact on the environment.

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