Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Course Reflection

After 10 weeks of study, I think AE 510 is a very interesting class and I really enjoy that. This class presents an overview of application of information technology in the construction industry now and their future roles. We talked about the building information modeling, database and the role of network-linked sensors and actuators. Besides, this class gave us a look into the future about how computer tools will be used throughout the whole life circle of building. Just like my classmate M Lorena Alvarado said, we are not only focus on our own area. By investigating the topic mentioned in class, we also took a glimpse at its effect in other careers like computer science, network technology, optimal control and so on. I think this is a good opportunity to prepare for future changes in our field of study.

Another good aspect of this class is guest speaker. Mr. Travis Peyton gave us a lecture on sensors in the service of increasing building efficiency. Dr. II-Yeol Song talked about relational databases. I think he is our best guest speaker in this term. His presentation is not only informative but also thought-provoking and entertaining too. For myself, I learn the most from BIM part of class. This part is new to me and hadn’t worked with before. Although Prof. Mitchell didn’t taught deeply in the class, the tutorial video is very useful and Autodesk wiki helps me a lot. People who are expert in both CAD and BIM will become more valuable in the future. So like Gabrielle Carpenter said, I would have preferred if we could have spent more time on BIM. I think after this class I can confidently say I have a basic understanding of how BIM works.

Overall, I think this class is very forward-looking and flexible. I agree with Maria Gabriela Gonzalez that this class is structure in a way that it’s up to student’s decision how much work and time they want to put into it. But like Prof. Mitchell mentioned in the first class, the more you put into the course, the more you got out of it. I am truly happy to choose this course.

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